Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Outfit of the Day 5/19/10

I managed to get three crates filled and emptied out several file cabinets. I still have a lot more to go through. Top-Macy's, old
Skirt-Dillard's, summer '08
Earrings-Gifted from Classroom Chic

Pink and black accessories.

Sunday was the last playoff game for my sons baseball team. Unfortunately we were not back in town for him to play and they ended up losing. I want to think that since he wasn't there that's why they lost. :) The coach picked my son to play in the All Star Games, which players are picked from different teams and form new teams and play each other. The top players that the coach thinks will do well are selected. So tomorrow we have practice and then games start this weekend. I was thinking a nice break before summer ball started would have been nice. Oh well, my son is having a great time and we do it for our kids, right?

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